Women in Horror Month Encourages Giving Blood

February 10, 2018

Women in Horror Month: The 9th Annual Blood Drive is Upon Us

WiHM9-GrrrlLogoWide-BR-websiteSince February is Women in Horror Month (WiMH), and America needs blood donations, we’d like to support the partnership between WiMH and Twisted Twin Productions (the amazing filmmakers Jen & Sylvia Soska and their talented crew) in getting the word out about the WiHM Blood Drive. Read this simple sanguinary statement from the WiHM web site:


You can’t think horror without thinking blood! Every February, Women in Horror Month collaborates with Twisted Twins Productions, encouraging our supporters to donate blood.*

This annual call-to-action is a reminder that blood donation is a life-saving act in which you can claim hero status without taking out a horde of rotting zombies or blowing up the mothership. In fact, all it really requires to potentially save someone’s life is making an appointment with the American Red Cross, Canadian Blood Services, or at your local hospital.

The American Red Cross even has an app that helps you track when you’re ready to donate again, tells you where to donate, helps you set up an appointment, and lets you fill out the initial paperwork before you get there. After you donate, you can even see where your blood goes!

Android Devices MassiveBloodDrive2015M-hashtag-300x286-300x286

iOS Devices

While we know that donating blood can be scary, it’s a lot more terrifying to be on the receiving end when the supply is low and unpredictable. To help build courage, every year Jen and Sylvia Soska produce an official Public Service Announcement (PSA) which brings together an exceptionally talented group of women filmmakers.

The world is a scary place right now and it’s easy to feel powerless when you can’t fix it all.  Blood donation is one thing you can do right now that will directly impact and potentially save the life of another person.

For the 9th annual Women in Horror Month we’ve got a whopping 28 PSAs to share this year! Reminding you just how important the red gold in your veins truly is every day of the month.

Now, go make those appointments!

*We know that not everyone is eligible to donate and encourage those who are unable to ask someone to do so on their behalf.


For more information on Women in Horror Month – and to learn more about each filmmaker, make your way over to http://axwound.womeninhorrormonth.com/

For more information about the Blood Drive, also see https://www.womeninhorrormonth.com/massive-blood-drive/

And follow Women in Horror Month on Facebook .

Support Women in Horror AND Giving Blood!  Remember: It’s In You!

Here are links to just two samples of the ten bloody good PSAs that have been released to date, shared via YouTube. You can link to others from any of those YouTube pages (or settle in and subscribe to the Soskas’ YT page to find them all, as well as more blood-spattering videos that may well freeze your blood (but do let it thaw out before arriving for your donation appointment!). PS: They’ve all got great scores in them as well!

Sanguino – directed by Dayna Noffke

Blood Drive – Be Positive – directed by Joe Magna

Book One
Book 1 Cover

This website was created partly to promote the book series, Musique Fantastique [Second Edition] 100+ Years of Fantasy, Science Fiction & Horror Film Music by Randall D. Larson, but more importantly is intended to be a resource for news, views, & interviews about music for science fiction, fantasy, and horror films. As an extension of the books, it provides additional material and links to further resources about this unique genre of film and television scoring. For news on the book series, scroll down toward the bottom of the home page.

The Author
Randall Larson (small)

To contact Randall, email soundtraxrdl@gmail.com

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Frontispiece artwork by Allen Koszowski from Musique Fantastique 1st Edition, Scarecrow Press, 1985.