April 30, 2021

THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER: Volume 2 Soundtrack Released

Marvel Music/Hollywood Records has released THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER: Volume 2 (Episodes 4-6) digital soundtrack featuring music by Henry Jackman. The soundtrack also includes “Louisiana Hero,” the end-credit track from the series.

Composer Jackman said, “Now that THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER has reached its epic climax, I am free to celebrate the emergence of a new Captain America along with millions of other viewer,” Jackman said. “Composing the score for this show was exciting, challenging and immensely satisfying.  Special credit must go to Kari Skogland, the director, Marcus Spellman, the writer, Jeff Ford, the picture editor, and the inimitable Marvel team, spearheaded by the legendary Kevin Feige. The greatest pleasure of all was to take Sam Wilson’s original Falcon motif and transform it into a full superhero theme to represent the new Captain America.  What a privilege!”

The first volume of THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER soundtrack, featuring music from Episodes 1-5 (and includes “Louisiana Hero”), was released on April 9.

See my interview with Henry Jackman on scoring this series at Soundtrax.

Book One
Book 1 Cover

This website was created partly to promote the book series, Musique Fantastique [Second Edition] 100+ Years of Fantasy, Science Fiction & Horror Film Music by Randall D. Larson, but more importantly is intended to be a resource for news, views, & interviews about music for science fiction, fantasy, and horror films. As an extension of the books, it provides additional material and links to further resources about this unique genre of film and television scoring. For news on the book series, scroll down toward the bottom of the home page.

The Author
Randall Larson (small)

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Frontispiece artwork by Allen Koszowski from Musique Fantastique 1st Edition, Scarecrow Press, 1985.