May 1, 2020
Composer Murray Gold Confirms ‘Doctor Who’ Series 10 Soundtrack IS on its Way
– Randall D. Larson
In an article by Lewis Jefferies published April 25 in web site vocalmedia, composer Murray Gold has confirmed that a soundtrack release to DOCTOR WHO Series 10 may well be happening.

Gold was the composer for the BBC’s revitalized DOCTOR WHO from is first in 2005, through its tenth series in 2017, at which time he left the series alongside showrunner Steven Moffat among others, turning the show over to Chris Chibnall executive producer and as head writer, and executive producers Matt Stevens and Sam Hoyle, after exec producers Steven Moffat and Brian Minchin stepped down after the Series 10. With the 11th series composer Segun Akinola began scoring the new series with Jodie Whitaker as the latest generation of The Doctor. Each of Gold’s seasons produced had a soundtrack album, many with two discs, celebrating his iconic music for the DOCTOR WHO revival, except for Series 10. Akinola’s music for each of his series to date (11 and 12, with 13 surely forthcoming) has generated soundtrack release, leaving Series 10 as the only revival series whose music has not been presented on disc or download for listening.
As Jefferies reported, recently Gold replied to fan on Twitter asking where the soundtrack was, and he replied with this exciting news:
“stage one: idly considering.
stage two: concrete wondering.
excited to report we are at stage three: move closer to an actual thing happening.”
So there is some hope that the missing Series 10 soundtrack may yet happen. Like so much in the ironic Doctor Whoniverse, it’s just a matter of…time. And this news just may be gold to many fans.
For more details, read the full story at vocalmedia.