November 25, 2021
Holiday Horrors from Howlin’ Wolf
Horror film music specialist label Howlin’ Wolf Records proudly presents three exciting scores for the holidays – all for the first time on CD:

DON’T GO IN THE HOUSE (composed by Richard Einhorn, directed by Joseph Ellison), a 1979 thriller about a disturbed young man, burned as a child by his sadistic mother, who now stalks women with a flamethrower. The score is another innovative electronic composition from the classically trained composer Richard Einhorn (THE PROWLER, DON’T GO IN THE HOUSE, DEAD OF WINTER, SISTER SISTER), who here uses a sophisticated array of synthesizers from the era to create the foreboding atmosphere required for the horrors awaiting in the Kohler house. The story illustrates, with uncomfortably disturbing realism, the destructive and often terrifying consequences that manifest as a part of the cyclic natures of trauma and abuse.
HOLIDAY HELL (composed by Semih Tareen), an anthology of four horror tales narrated by a mysterious shopkeeper, each tale set during a different holiday, directed by, in turn, Jeremy Berg, David Burns, and Jeff Ferrell. Turkish-born composer Semih Tareen (GHOSTLIGHT, GOMEDA, DEAD WEST) is an accomplished, award-winning composer with more than 18 years of experience scoring symphonic and midi scores, whose music for HOLIDAY HELL harmoniously connects each segment while honoring the unique musical narrative needed to accompany each twisted tale. (Included as a bonus on the CD, to add a touch of spooky ambiance, is a suite of vintage carols used in the film.)
GOOD TIDINGS, in which a homeless war-veteran with a checkered past must rely on a side of himself once thought buried when he and his companions are targeted by three vicious psychopaths wearing Santa suits on Christmas Day (composed by JeanMichelNoir). This composer, self-described as the “playful demon,” is one of the creative entities who live within Liverpool artist, composer, musician, filmmaker, and actor Liam Ashcroft (CUTE LITTLE BUGGERS). GOOD TIDINGS has the progressive operatic feel of Oldfield’s “Tubular Bells,” and JeanMichelNoir credits Goldsmith’s “Ave Satani” as an influence, using his voice to chant woeful Latin-translated phrases to fashion a “scary carol.” Whatever the influences, they are molded, twisted, and contorted into a form that is distinctively JeanMichelNoir.
Each score is available individually on their own CDs and will be available soon – see details on each at Howlin’ Wolf Records.